Sabtu, 16 November 2013

Urutan Refleksi Kaki- Foot Reflexology

Titik atau poin refleksi

 Poin  refleksi adalah kawasan titik pusat urat-urat saraf. Setiap titik refleksi berhubung rapat dengan bahagian tertentu badan sebenarnya kawasan refleksi ini tertabur hampir seluruh bahagian badan. tetapi di sini huraian terperinci hanya akan menyentuh bahagian kaki sahaja.

Hasil daripada urutan refleksi ini akan menyebabkan perjalanan darah akan menjadi lancar dan membetulkan kedudukan urat saraf kepada kedudukan sebenar. Ini adalah juga menjelaskan mengapakah orang yang biasa mengamalkan urutan refleksi ini sangat mengambil berat tentang penjagaan kaki.

Oleh kerana kawasan pusat saraf terdapat pada kaki maka   tidak digalakan memakai kasut yang sempit sehingga boleh menghimpit kaki semasa memakai, atau kasut yang hujungnya tirus yang bisanya dipakai oleh perempuan. Orang yang tahu dan mementingkan kesihatan tidak akan mengorbankan kesihatan mereka semata-mata kerana fesyen kasut yang diminati.

Antara penyakit yang boleh disebabkan oleh kasut yang sempit adalah seperti penyakit hidung, kepala, leher, mata, bahu, dada, buah dada, kelenjar, kelejar tiroid, paru-paru dan bronkhus. Di sini dapat dilihat betapa kaki kita boleh menentukan keadaan kesihatan kita.

Alam ini telah diciptakan dengan sangat sempurna oleh Allah SWT sehinggakan batu-batu yang bertaburan dijalanan yang mungkin tidak berguna pada pandangan mata kasar juga sebenarnya dapat memberi manfaat sedikit sebanyak terhadap kesihatan manusia. Apabila kita berjalan tanpa mengunakan kasut atau sebarang alas kaki sambil memijak jalan yang penuh dengan batu yang mempunyai pelbagai saiz, semasa kita berjalan tersebut akan berlaku suatu proses urutan secara semulajadi terhadap kaki kita. Namun kini zaman telah berubah, jalan berbatu telah digantikan dengan jalan yang diperbuat daripada tar atau simen tambahan pula terciptanya alas kaki (kasut) maka hubungan yang intim antara manusia dan alam ini turut berkurang.

Walaupun cara perubatan ini tidak dapat diterangkan secara sains namun khasiat dan faedah yang diperolehi daripada kaedah perubatan ini sangat menakjubkan.

Antara cara
memberi tindakan kepada kawasan refleksi ialah
1. Mengunakan bahan yang panas seperti batu tungku yang diletakan hampir pada kawasan refleksi.
2. Kayu yang tumpul juga boleh digunakan sebagai kaedah mengurut.
3. Cara yang paling lazim adalah dengna mengunakan tangan atau jari .

Contoh yang paling mudah untuk menguji kebenaran atau kesahihan kaedah refleksi ini bagi yang baru mengenali dunia perubatan kaedah refleksi ini adalah dengan mencuba suatu aplikasi mudah iaitu dengan meletakan batu tungku berhampiran dengan bahagian tepi jari hantu. Setiap kali batu tungku didekatkan dengan jari, apabila terasa panas yang tak tertahan maka jauhkan batu tungku  tersebut. Proses ini diulang beberapa kali. Anda akan dapat merasai kesan daripada tindakan ini. Sebenarnya kawasan refleksi ini adalah untuk mengurangkan ketegangan fikiran atau fikiran yang kusut. Apabila batu tungku  tersebut didekatkan dengan jari hantu sebenarnya ianya akan menyebabkan perjalanan darah akan menjadi lebih pantas. Darah yang bergerak ini akan membawa bersama bahan makanan, hormon, oksigen, antibiotik dan lain-lain. Selain daripada itu darah yang bergerak ini juga akan membawa dan menyingkirkan bahan–bahan toksik daripada badan. Darah yang bergerak ini kemudian akan bergerak kearah otak sambil membawa bahan–bahan yang terkandung bersamanya.
Maka jika suatu bahagian yang sakit, perjalanan darah yang lancar akan membantu proses penyembuhan berlaku. Namun demikian tiada siapa dapat menerangkan apakah hubungan bahagian jari hantu tadi dengan ketegangan fikiran. Tiada bukti saintifik yang boleh menerangkan hubungan tersebut. Tetapi, berdasarkan pengalaman pemanasan bahagian jari hantu tersebut memang memberi sedikit ketenagan kepada fikiran yang mengalami ketegangan.

Seperti yang telah diterangkan sebelumnya tentang fungsi darah, jika perjalanan darah tidak lancar maka kemungkinan terdapat pemendapan bahan-bahan tertentu pada saluran-saluran darah. Ini mengurangkan jumlah darah yang mengalir pada saluran darah. Seseorang yang berpengalaman berkenaan urutan refleksi akan tahu samada bahagian kawasan refleksi tersebut mengalami masalah atau tidak. Biasanya kawasan yang mengalami masalah akan terdapat semacam ada 'pasir' pada kawasan tersebut apabila disentuh.

Selain daripada itu semasa mengurut daerah refleksi seandainya jika orang yang diurut merasa sakit atau rasa kurang selesa walaupun dengan sentuhan yang perlahan, maka ini juga petanda yang menjelaskan bahawa organ yang merujuk kepada kawasan refleksi tersebut mengalami masalah

Sebenarnya terdapat pelbagai aturan atau etika semasa mengurut kawasan refleksi ini.

** Pesakit yang ingin diurut haruslah duduk dalam keadaaan berehat dan bebas daripada memakai pakaian yang sempit yang boleh menganggu aliran darah.

** Dicadangkan urutan kawasan refleksi dengan mengunakan minyak urut yang sesuai untuk mengelakan kulit daripada cedera atau melecet.

** Semasa mengurut pula, jika pesakit merasa kesakitan yang amat sangat maka orang yang mengurut haruslah memberitahu pesakit supaya dapat menahan kesakitan yang dialami akibat urutan. Jika pesakit tidak dapat menahan kesakitan maka urutan hendaklah dihentikan seketika bagi meredakan kesakitan.

** Biasanya keberkesanan urutan refleksi ini adalah berbeza mengikut umur. Orang yang lebih muda biasanya sudah mencukupi dengan diurut 3 hingga 4 kali berbanding orang tua yang memerlukan urutan yang lebih untuk mendapat kesan yang sama.

** Dalam satu-satu masa pula, biasanya kawasan refleksi diurut selama 5 minit .Jika kesakitan yang dialami akibat kesan urutan dapat ditahan maka masa urutan sehingga 10 minit bolehlah dilakukan bagi satu–satu kawasan refleksi.

Peraturan-peraturan lain yang harus diikuti semasa kerja-kerja pengurutan dijalankan adalah seperti

** tidak melakukan pengurutan sejam selepas makan.

** Semasa mengurut kawasan refleksi, pada satu–satu masa hanya satu kawasan sahaja yang diurut, kemudian setelah selesai barulah berpindah kepada kawasan refleksi yang lain.

** Apabila selesai satu-satu sessi pengurutan haruslah minum air sebanyak dua hingga tiga gelas air. Ini adalah penting agar kotoran yang terdapat dalam badan dapat disingkirkan dengan lebih cepat, tetapi aturan ini terkecuali bagi pesakit buah pinggang. Pesakit buah pinggang hanya dibenarkan meminum air kurang daripada setengah gelas selepas pengurutan dijalankan.

** Bagi kawasan refleksi yang melibatkan kelenjar pula tidak boleh diurut terlalu keras ini adalah untuk mengelakan kesan sampingan daripada berlaku.

** Kepada mereka yang sudah teruk mengalami penyakit-penyakit seperti jantung, kencing manis, sakit kuning atau barah, cara mengurutnya adalah tidak terlalu kuat dan tiap-tiap bahagian refleksi tidak boleh diurut melebihi 2 minit bagi satu-satu masa pengurutan.

** Perkara yang sebaliknya pula harus dilakukan kepada mereka yang mengalami penyakit tulang. Mereka yang mengalami penyakit tulang harus diurut dengan kuat agar kesannya lebih cepat dirasai.

** Semasa pengurutan dilakukan kadangkala timbul kesan-kesan kehitaman pada bahagian yang diurut. Ini adalah petanda baik teruskan urutan sehingga bahagian refleksi tersebut sembuh.

** Bagi mereka yan sedang mendapatkan rawatan doktor pula disarankan agar menghentikan dahulu semua jenis ubat yang dimakan kerana ubat tersebut boleh menghalang atau melambatkan proses penyembuhan cara urutan refleksi ini. Ini terkecuali bagi para pesakit jantung dan kencing manis. Ubat yang diperolehi daripada doktor harus dimakan secara berterusan seperti biasa.

Kepada yang mengurut, terdapat juga beberapa etika atau peraturan yang harus diikut iaitu

** selepas kerja pengurutan tidak digalakan mencuci tangan serta-merta. Ini adalah penting untuk menjaga kesihatan. Namun tidak dapat diterangkan di sini kaitan antara mencuci tangan dengan gangguan kesihatan yang akan bakal berlaku.

** Yang terakhir pula adalah tidak digalakan kepada si pengurut merawat orang lain seandainya dirinya sendiri berada dalam keadaaan yang kurang sihat.

Kadangkala selepas urutan dilakukan kita boleh melihat kesan akibat daripada urutan refleksi ini. Namun reaksi yang berlaku tersebut hanyalah bersifat sementara. Seandainya berlaku kesan-kesan seperti yang diterangkan di bawah ini teruskan urutan sehingga sembuh.

Antara kesan daripada urutan refleksi ini adalah :

** seperti timbul luka dan nanah pada peha atau pada kesan parut. Ini bemaksud kotoran di dalam darah tidak berjaya disingkirkan secara normal sehingga timbul luka sebagai jalan mudah untuk mengeluarkan kotoran tersebut.

** Selain daripada itu kadangkala pesakit mengalami sakit pinggang atau punggung, ini bererti rintangan yang menghalangi peredaran darah sudah dapat dilalui oleh darah semula.

** Kadangkala pesakit juga mengalami pembengkakan pada urat. Ini sebenarnya menunjukan perjalanana darah semakin lancar.

Berdasarkan pengalaman yang pakar dalam urutan refleksi ini, antara penyakit yang mudah untuk disembuhkan adalah seperti kencing di tempat tidur, otot kejang, infeksi sendi, sakit kepala, selsema, buasir, sakit jantung dan beberapa jenis penyakit lagi.

Walaupun demikian kaedah urutan refleksi ini mempunyai had atau batasan yang tidak boleh dilampau olehnya. Antara had yang tidak dapat disembuhkan melalui kaedah ini adalah pesakit yang urat sarafnya telah mati akibat kemalangan atau ‘stroke’, pengambilan ubat-ubatan juga menyebabkan urat saraf menjadi kebal (kurang sensetif). Selain daripada itu yang terakhir adalah penyakit, khususnya barah yang telah terlambat untuk diubati(tenat). Kesemua penyakit ini langsung tidak dapat dibantu oleh kaedah perubatan refleksi ini.

Khamis, 14 November 2013

How Reflexology work

Reflexology Theory

Reflexologists use a series of pressure techniques to stimulate specific reflex areas on the feet and hands with the intention of invoking a beneficial response in other parts of the body. The mirror image of the body in the feet and hands helps reflexologists and self-help practitioner alike easily target the correct part of foot or hand on which to work.
Pressure sensors in the feet communicate instantly with the brain, internal organs and other parts of the body because of ancient survival needs. In extreme danger, when a reaction of fight or flight is necessary, the feet must be prepared to participate in defending or fleeing. They do this by processing environmental information gathered through pressure sensors in the soles, which helps the body determine optimal fuel and oxygen levels. The need to run, for example requires more oxygen than walking; feet ready to flee need different levels of fuel and oxygen than feet preparing to fight. So pressure signals from the soles tell the brain whether the body is standing, sitting or lying down, which helps it ascertain whether blood-sugar, oxygen, muscle-contraction and relaxation needs are currently being met. Consider what takes place during jogging. Pressure to the feet tells the brain that the jogger is running. The body adjusts its organs to provide adequate energy. Over time, a jogger’s body becomes conditioned to work better. Reflexology is weightless jogging, exercising similiar pressure receptors without the demands of standing and weight-bearing. For example,  a single nerve travels from the centre of the big toe to the part of the brain responsible for controlling movement, respiration and cardiac acceleration. So pressure applied to the centre of the big toe, the pituitary gland reflex area, triggers revival response.

Zone Theory

Zone theory established that the body can be divided into ten longitudinal zones running from the top of the head to the toes, and that all parts of a zone are connected. Tension in one part of the zone every part. By working any point of the zones, the hands and feet can release the tension and restore equilibrium to the entire zone and so to the body. Three literal lines are used by reflexologists to dissect the body, at the shoulders, diaphragm and waist, and in the same proportion on the soles of the feet or palms of the hands. These help pinpoint more precisely which part of the foot or hand to target with reflexology: the big toe or thumb corresponding to the head, the pelvis surrounding the heels and so on. The foot or hand thus becomes a three-dimensional map of the body.

How Reflexes Work

Imagine stepping on a nail. In response to the the challenge to the sole of the foot, a reflexive action occurs throughout the body – muscular action withdraws the foot from the nail the the body experiences adrenaline surge as well as changes in balance and internal organ function. Reflexology works on the same principle- it all happens reflexively throughout the nervous system.

How to Read a Foot Reflexology Chart.

Foot reflexology charts show the location of reflex points on your feet. You can easily learn to read a chart that will show you where the reflex points on your feet correspond to specific areas of your body's anatomy. Highly technical foot reflexology maps are more complicated than most amateur reflexologists really need. Below are some key points to look for when reading a foot chart.

Edit Steps

Refer to reiterative foot charts when you are getting ready to give yourself reflexology. Reiterative foot reflexology charts mirror your body's image. These charts are based on zones to reflect your body in miniature on your feet.

Know the difference between a Chinese foot chart and a reiterative foot chart. Chinese foot charts are based on acupuncture meridians. Chinese charts reflect places in your foot that correspond with other parts of your body, but not in a reiterative pattern.

Remember that foot reflexology maps or charts have multiple views for the top of the foot and the sole, as well as both sides. It's possible to get confused when you look at charts and to mix up the top and bottom foot reflexology maps.

Keep in mind that the reflex points on the left foot correspond to the left side of the body, and the reflex points on the right foot correspond to the right side of your body. In most cases, organs and other body parts are shown on both the right and left foot charts.

Ahad, 10 November 2013

Body Chart ( Gambarajah & Point Badan )

The Wonders of Reflexology

"We have the birthright to be Beautiful, Bountiful and Blissful."
"The feet express the heavens and the hands express the feet. If
you want to adjust the psychic body, massage the feet. If you want
to adjust the physical body, massage the hands.
Reflexology is based on the premise that there are zones and reflex areas in the feet and hands,
which correspond to all body parts. The physical act of applying specific pressures using thumb,
finger and hand techniques, result in stress reduction causing a physiological change in the body.
Points of soreness or discomfort associated with the applied pressure to any zone may indicate a
need for the concentration of pressure to the area over some period of time until soreness abates.
Small Foot Chart
Detailed Foot Chart
Detailed Hand Charts
Finger Speak

Most successful people have ring fingers that are longer than the index finger.
Length of the ring finger is a marker for fundamental brain system differences,
a key indicator of how well a person is wired for success in the business world.
Detailed Ear Chart

© Essential Oil Books 2010

Face Talk Chart

Foot Reflexology Picture./ encyclopedia /Why foot reflexology?/for everyone


Foot Reflexology

An example of a reflexology chart, demonstrating the areas of the feet that practitioners believe correspond with organs in the "zones" of the body.
Reflexology, or zone therapy, is an alternative medicine involving the physical act of applying 
pressure to the feet, hands, or ears with specific thumb, finger, and hand techniques without the use 
of oil or lotion. It is based on whatreflexologists claim to be a system of zones and reflex areas that they 
say reflect an image of the body on the feet and hands, with the premise that such work effects a physical 
change to the body.[1] A 2009 systematic review of randomised controlled trials concludes that

"The best evidence available to date does not demonstrate convincingly that reflexology is an
 effective treatment for any medical condition."[2]
There is no consensus among reflexologists on how reflexology is supposed to work; a unifying theme is 
the idea that areas on the foot correspond to areas of the body, and that by manipulating these one can
 improve health through one's qi.[3] Reflexologists divide the body into ten equal vertical zones, five on the right and five on the left.[4] Concerns have been raised by medical professionals that treating potentially serious illnesses 
with reflexology, which has no proven efficacy, could delay the seeking of appropriate medical treatment.
The Reflexology Association of Canada defines reflexology as:
"A natural healing art based on the principle that there are reflexes in the feet, hands and ears and 
their referral areas within zone related areas, which correspond to every part, gland and organ of the 
body. Through application of pressure on these reflexes without the use of tools, crèmes or lotions, the 
feet being the primary area of application, reflexology relieves tension, improves circulation and helps 
promote the natural function of the related areas of the body."[6]
Reflexologists posit that the blockage of an energy field, invisible life force, or Qi, can prevent healing.[3] 
Another tenet of reflexology is the belief that practitioners can relieve stress and pain in other parts of the 
body through the manipulation of the feet. One claimed explanation is that the pressure received in the 
feet may send signals that 'balance' the nervous system or release chemicals such as endorphins that 
reduce stress and pain.[7] These hypotheses are rejected by the general medical community, who cite a 
lack of scientific evidence and the well-tested germ theory of disease.[4]
Reflexology's claim to manipulate energy (Qi) has been highly controversial, as there is no scientific 
evidence for the existence of life energy (Qi), 'energy balance', 'crystalline structures,' or 'pathways' in the 
body.[8]In Trick or Treatment? Alternative Medicine on TrialSimon Singh argues that if indeed the hands 
and feet "reflect" the internal organs, reflexology might be expected to explain how such "reflection" was 
derived from the process of Darwinian natural selection; but Singh observes that no argument or evidence has 
been adduced.[9]
Use by population

An example of a reflexology chart of the Hand, demonstrating the areas of the hand that practitioners believe correspond with organs in the "zones" of the body.
Reflexology is one of the most used alternative therapies in Denmark. A national survey from 2005 showed that
 21.4% of the Danish population had used reflexology at some point in life and 6.1% had used reflexology within
 the previous year.[10]
A study from Norway showed that 5.6% of the Norwegian population in 2007 had used reflexology 
within the last 12 months.[11]
In the United Kingdom, reflexology is coordinated on a voluntary basis by the Complementary and 
Natural Healthcare Council (CNHC). Registrants are required to meet Standards of Proficiency outlined by 
Profession Specific Boards,[12] as CNHC is voluntary anyone practising can describe themselves as 
reflexologists. When the CNHC began admitting reflexologists, a skeptic searched for and found 14 of them 
claiming efficacy on illnesses.Once pointed out, the CNHC had the claims retracted as it conflicted with 
their Advertising Standards Authority.[13]
Practices resembling reflexology may have existed in previous historical periods. Similar practices have been
 documented in the histories of China and Egypt.[4]
Reflexology was introduced to the United States in 1913 by William H. Fitzgerald, M.D. (1872–1942), an ear
, nose, and throat specialist, and Dr. Edwin Bowers. Fitzgerald claimed that applying pressure had an 
anesthetic effect on other areas of the body.[14]
Reflexology was modified in the 1930s and 1940s by Eunice D. Ingham (1889–1974), a nurse and 
physiotherapist.[15][16]Ingham claimed that the feet and hands were especially sensitive, and mapped the 
entire body into "reflexes" on the feet renaming "zone therapy" to reflexology.[17]
Ingham's procedure and related practices developed by Laura Norman are used by modern reflexologists.

Why Foot reflexology? / for everyone

Why do people use foot reflexology?

For many reasons of choosing this therapy, most people come to reflexology work because it offers a safe, effective, natural, easily available and simple to use treatment option for a variety of health problems. Some are attracted to the therapy because it is non-invasive and drug-free: others like fact that is easy to learn and to apply – self-help work can be carried out anywhere and anytime. Worldwide, people are discovering that reflexology may help treat the root causes of many health concerns, ease day-to-day stresses and relieve the impact of past injury or illness. It also presents a gentle opportunity to offer the gift of touch, to reach out and show a loved one you care.

Easing Stress

A common thread among these benefits is the opportunity that reflexology offers for easing stress, which is thought to be a major factor in 80 per cent of illness and a contributing factor in the other 20 per cent. Applying pressure to the hands and feet simultaneously elicits general relaxation while also relaxing a targeted area. Stress researcher Hans Selye(1908-82) noted in 1956 that it is not simply stress itself, but prolonged exposure to stree, that causes wear and tear on the body. Reflex work breaks up patterns of repeated stress by treating the body to an experience apart from the mundane and everyday. One application interrupts stress; further sessions condition chanage to take place; and ongoing application teaches the body to operate more effectively.
Reflexology offers an opportunity to take a break from the stress of everyday life. Putting one’s feet up and taking a few minutes out is effective in itself – aching hands and feet make everyday life miserable – but reflexology techniques amplify these effects.

Pain is a stress

Injury to an part of the body stresses the whole system. Pain is a stressor. Reflexology, however, releases endorphins, the body natural pain-relieving chemicals. It also helps the body to adapt to injury. An injured shoulder, for example, prompts the whole body to hold itself differently. As reflexology de-stresses the entire body with the injured shoulder, it allows the best therapy encourages flexibility and motion. It exercises the building blocks of dexterity and walking, enabling muscles, tendons, ligaments and joints to use their full range of movement and ensuring maximum mobility through into old age.



Foot reflexology is effective in bringing about a deep state of relaxation. The solar plexus is the nerve center where stress is stored. When the solar plexus reflex point is pressed, the stress is released, it is as if all of the stress in the body is eliminated. Because stress can greatly affect the immune system and leave one to be vulnerable to serious illnesses, it is important to relieve it. Reflexology can help in this small,yet powerful way.

Improved Circulation

Reflexology can improve blood circulation in the feet and throughout the body. The gentle stroking of the feet and the application of hand and finger techniques improves blood flow to vital organs. The blood delivers oxygen and nutrients to these organs, nourishing body tissues. In the same manner, if a part of the body is injured, foot reflexology can help repair the injured tissue.

Reduction of Pain

Foot reflexology is effective for pain management. When reflexology is applied to the feet, more endorphins are produced to block pain signals to the brain. People who are experiencing pain may get significant relief through reflexology.


Foot reflexology can bring balance when constipation is an issue. Stimulation of the intestine, colon and other corresponding reflexes can make elimination easier and return it to a normal state.

Improved Memory

Because oxygen is required to keep the cells of the body in a healthy state, foot reflexology can help to deliver vital oxygen to our brain cells. Stimulation of the brain reflexes on the feet improves circulation of blood to the head.

Reflexology for everyone

Whatever your occupation, age or current state of health, reflexology has something to offer you. For all stages of life, this healing therapy aims to help your body to maintain health, enhance your quality of life, meet specific health needs and relieve stress in a very pleasant way.
Many reflexologists find babies uniquely responsive to gentle reflexology treatment. Rubbing the ear reflex area on travelling infants’ feet prior to take-off or landing, for example, quickly and effectively rids the infant of the pain such experiences usually bring.
Enduring images of warm person-to-person contact emerge from stores about reflexology use with young children. One woman is called “Foot” rather than “Auntie” by her two-year-old niece, who remembers and relates to her foot reflexology work. Another client had not forgotten his mother’s work on his feet at bedtime every night as a child, even though 40 years had passed.
One five-year-old, during a journey, insisted on returning home for “his” golf ball. The parents learnt that he had acquired the habit of copying his childminder’s reflexology golf-ball technique. While she used it to relieve her sinus headaches, the child had adopted it to ease his migraine headaches, the child had adopted it to ease his migraine headaches . The value of empowering a child to affect his or her body through a tool such as reflexology is beyond measure. How better to engender self-reliance than to give the child a means to communicate with his or her body? The application of self-help techniques allows the child an opportunity to interact with his or her “owies”, as one two-year-old puts it. Children’s natural curiosity and innate ability to learn create a unique role for reflexology in a child’s life. The ability to “play” with one’s hands and feet for benefit does not escape the notice of the children.
Reflexology provides a wonderful way to connect with the children in your life. This may be especially valuable when watching a child experience illness, and it is at such times that many parents turn to reflexology to bolster conventional medical care.
Older People
A succession of pension-age clients began to share how reflexology helped their love life and made weekends more fun. This hints at the improved quality of life that reflexology may offer pensioners. Ageing presents unique challenges and an increased need for solutions to special concerns. Whether you wish to ameliorate the physical effects of ageing, such as aching joints and incontinence, or simply to reach out and touch someone older who has limited access, reflexology techniques have made it possible for older people.
Pregnant Women
Reflexology techniques such as the golf ball technique has surprised many as women may get delivered quickly and easily. Reflexology use is increasing among medical personnel involved in pregnancy and childbirth. Studies have shown that pregnant woman who completed a course of ten sessions of reflexology experienced benefits in labour outcomes perceived as outstanding. Some had labour times of only 2-3 hour; those 20-25 had an average first-stage labour time of 5-6 hours, an average second stage of 16 minutes and a third stage of 7 minutes. This compares well against the textbook average of 16-24 hours for a first stage labour, 1-2 hours for the second stage.
Whether you wish to use pain-relief techniques in labour, or simply want to soothe the symptoms and discomforts associated with pregnancy and labour, such as oedema and an aching lower back, that can make the 40 weeks of pregnancy uncomfortable, reflexology and massage techniques can assist in this aspect.
In the Workplace
Reflexology is particularly beneficial for those in jobs that require long hours of standing or walking, such as teaching, nursing, hairdressing, waiting at tables and sales professions. It offers an opportunity to interrupt the stress of standing and of over-using the part of the body by providing a break in routine. It also helps establish new patterns of using the body and a more relaxed state of being. More often than not, it is not the stress that creates problems for people in the work place, it is the continuity of that stress that causes the discomfort. For the same reasons, those who work long hours at the keyboards often use hand reflexology to relieve symptoms caused by overuse of this part of the body.